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Explore comprehensive financial reports and data, including annual operating budgets, student success budgets, and auxiliary services financials. Gain insights into our financial operations and budget allocations.

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Annual Operating Fund Budget

Current Year (FY 24/25)

  • Second Quarter Operating Fund Budget Expenditure Report

This report entails a detailed overview of CSUF's Operating Fund’s revenue sources, such as state funding, tuition, and grants, alongside a comparison of actual expenditures to the budget for the second quarter. It covers key spending areas, including salaries and benefits costs, and operating expenses. The report also highlights any significant variances, explaining areas of over- or under-spending, and provides a picture of the university’s operating fund’s balance at a certain period of time. It serves as a tool to ensure the institution is managing its resources effectively and staying on track for the rest of the fiscal year.

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  • First Quarter Operating Fund Budget Expenditure Report

This report entails a detailed overview of CSUF's Operating Fund’s revenue sources, such as state funding, tuition, and grants, alongside a comparison of actual expenditures to the budget for the first quarter. It covers key spending areas, including salaries and benefits costs, and operating expenses. The report also highlights any significant variances, explaining areas of over- or under-spending, and provides a picture of the university’s operating fund’s balance at a certain period of time. It serves as a tool to ensure the institution is managing its resources effectively and staying on track for the rest of the fiscal year.

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  • Baseline Budget by Category

This report entails a comprehensive breakdown of CSUF's baseline budget by category, outlining the planned allocations by expense categories. It details the funding assigned to each department or program, including personnel costs, financial aid, utilities, information technology and other essential services. The report serves as a foundation for tracking and managing the university's finances, ensuring that resources are appropriately distributed and aligned with institutional priorities. It provides an overview of the budget’s structure to help administrators make informed decisions throughout the fiscal year.

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  • Baseline Budget by Program

This report entails a detailed breakdown of CSUF's baseline budget by NACUBO FIRMS program, outlining the specific funding allocated to each academic, student support, and administrative program across the university. It highlights the financial resources dedicated to various initiatives, such as faculty salaries, student services, research, and campus operations, providing a clear picture of how funds are distributed at the program level. The report helps ensure that each program receives the necessary support to meet its goals while maintaining alignment with the university’s overall financial strategy. It serves as a tool for monitoring and adjusting resource allocation throughout the fiscal year.

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  • Student Success Initiative

This report entails an annual overview of CSUF's Student Success Initiative, detailing the funding and resources allocated to programs aimed at improving student outcomes, retention, and graduation rates. It highlights specific initiatives such as academic advising, tutoring services, mentoring programs, and career development, outlining how each contributes to student success. The report plus the revenue and expenditure report serves as a tool to evaluate the success of these initiatives and making adjustments to enhance their effectiveness throughout the year.

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